Dropthings now available from Microsoft/Web

Dropthings is now available on Microsoft/Web. You can now install it using the Web Platform Installer. I will soon write an article how to make an installer that can install a ASP.NET website, a SQL Server database, setup web.config files, setup directory permissions (eg App_Data) etc. It wasn’t straightforward and I learnt some best practices from the Microsoft/Web team. But for now, go ahead and download the app and build cool sites out of it.image


Please vote for my app. It will help spread the open source effort. 

How to make screencasts in optimized animated GIF for free

I have been using animated GIFs to show short screencasts in my blogs and articles. Animated GIF is supported by all browsers and supports virtually any website in the world where even Flash is blocked. A picture is worth a thousand words, and an animation is worth a thousand multiplied by [frames in animation] words. So, I have been looking for a complete free solution to capturing screencasts and then converting it to animated GIF and then heavily compressing it.

First use CamStudio to capture the screenshot into an AVI. Before you capture, you need to set the CamStudio video recording setting to one frame per second, otherwise there will be too many frames in your animated GIF. You can set it so 2 or more frames per second if you are recording some frequent changes on the screen.


This will put one frame in animated GIF per second. Since animated GIF gets pretty large due to its lossless primitive compression, you need to put as little frames on it as possible.

Now you can record screenshot using CamStudio and save it in an AVI file.

Once you have the AVI file, you need to open the AVI using Microsoft GIF animator.


Then you need to click the “Select all” button and go to Image tab and put 100 on the Duration. This will set each frame delay to 1 second, exactly what you have set in the CamStudio Video Options. If you have set 2 frames per second in CamStudio, then you need to set 50 in Microsoft GIF Animator.

Now you can save the file as an animated GIF and use it wherever you like.

I would highly recommend you further optimize the animated GIF and eliminate duplicate frames and use some advanced compression. For this you can use the ImageMagick utility. You will find various ways to optimize animated GIF on this page. I just use the following command line and it gives me pretty good output:

c:Program Files (x86)ImageMagick-6.6.3-Q16>convert SourceImage.gif -layers OptimizePlus DestImage.gif

This optimizes animated GIFs pretty well. I have seen average 60% reduction on screen captures having white background and when there’s no translucent areas (eg Windows Vista/7 title bars).

Production Challenges of ASP.NET Website – recording of my talk

“It works in my PC”, the common dialog from Developers. But on production CPU burns out, disks go crazy, your site stops responding every now and then, you have to frequently recycle application pool, or even restart windows to bring things back to normal for a while.

As your site grows from thousands to millions of users, delivering new features and bug fixes becomes an increasingly complex process where you have to ensure the performance and stability of the site is not compromised. Let me tell you some stories from the trenches how I grew my hot startup Pageflakes (acquired by MySpace founder Brad Greenspan) from thousands to millions of visits within a year surviving through production software, hardware, process, people challenges and how you can avoid and solve them using my handy collection of articles and tools.

Watch the presentation I made in a LIDNUG session:


Find the session with the title “Production Challenges of ASP.NET Website”.

Unfortunately they could not record the whole session. But whatever is there should be useful for you.

Building High Performance Queue in Database for storing Orders, Notifications, Tasks

We have Queues everywhere. There are queues for asynchronously sending notifications like email and SMS in most websites. E-Commerce sites have queues for storing orders, processing and dispatching them. Factory Assembly line automation systems have queues for running tasks in parallel, in a certain order. Queue is a widely used data structure that sometimes have to be created in a database instead of using specialized queue technologies like MSMQ. Running a high performance and highly scalable queue using database technologies is a big challenge and it’s hard to maintain when the queue starts to get millions of rows queued and dequeued per day. Let me show you some common design mistakes made in designing Queue-like tables and how to get maximum performance and scalability from a queue implemented using simple database features.


Let’s first identify the challenges you have in such queue tables:

  • The table is both read and write. Thus queuing and dequeuing impact each other and cause lock contention, transaction deadlocks, IO timeouts etc under heavy load.
  • When multiple receivers try to read from the same queue, they randomly get duplicate items picked out of the queue, thus resulting in duplicate processing. You need to implement some kind of high performance row lock on the queue so that same item never gets picked up by concurrent receivers.
  • The Queue table needs to store rows in certain order and read in certain order, which is an index design challenge. It’s not always first in and first out. Sometimes Orders have higher priority and need to be processed regardless of when they are queued.
  • The Queue table needs to store serialized objects in XML or binary form, which becomes a storage and index rebuild challenge. You can’t rebuild index on the Queue table because it contains text and/or binary fields. Thus the tables keep getting slower and slower every day and eventually queries start timing out until you take a downtime and rebuild the indexes.
  • During dequeue, a batch of rows are selected, updated and then returned for processing. You have a “State” column that defines the state of the items. During dequeue, you select items of certain state. Now State only has a small set of values eg PENDING, PROCESSING, PROCESSED, ARCHIVED. As a result, you cannot create index on “State” column because that does not give you enough selectivity. There can be thousands of rows having the same state. As a result, any dequeue operation results in a clustered index scan that’s both CPU and IO intensive and produces lock contention.
  • During dequeue, you cannot just remove the rows from table because that causes fragmentation in the table. Moreover, you need to retry orders/jobs/notification N times  incase they fail on first attempt. This means rows are stored for longer period, indexes keep growing and dequeue gets slower day by day.
  • You have to archive processed items from the Queue table to a different table or database, in order to keep the main Queue table small. That means moving large amount of rows of some particular status to another database. Such large data removal leaves the table highly defragmented causing poor queue/dequeue performance.
  • You have a 24×7 business. You have no maintenance window where you can take a downtime and archive large number of rows. This means you have to continuously archive rows without affecting production queue-dequeue traffic.

If you have implemented such queue tables, you might have suffered from one or more of the above challenges. Let me give you some tips on how to overcome these challenges and how to design and maintain a high performance queue table.

Read the article for details:


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Exporting normalized relational data from database to flat file format

Sometimes you need to export relational normalized data into flat files where a single row comes from various tables. For example, say you want to export all customer records along with their work and home address, and primary phone number in a single row. But the address and contact information are coming from different tables and there can be multiple rows in those table for a single customer. Sometimes there can be no row available in address/phone table for a customer. In such a case, neither INNER JOIN, nor LEFT JOIN/OUTER JOIN will work. How do you do it?

Solution is to use OUTER APPLY.

Consider some tables like this:

Customer Table

CustomerID FirstName LastName DOB
1 Scott Guthrie 1/1/1950
2 Omar AL Zabir 1/1/1982

Contact table

CustomerID ContactType ContactValue IsPrimary
1 WorkAddress Microsoft TRUE
1 HomeAddress Seattle FALSE
1 Phone 345345345 FALSE
1 Phone 123123123 TRUE
2 WorkAddress London TRUE
2 Phone 1312123123 FALSE

We need to create a flat file export from this where the output needs to look like:

CustomerID FirstName LastName DOB HomeAddress WorkAddress PrimaryPhone IsPhonePrimary
1 Scott Guthrie 1/1/1950 Seattle Microsoft 123123123 Yes
2 Omar AL Zabir 1/1/1982 No Home Address London 1312123123 No

There are some complex requirement in the output:

  • If customer has multiple phone, then it needs to select the one which is flagged as primary.
  • If customer has no home address, then it needs to show “No home address” instead of NULL.
  • It needs to tell if the phone address we got is primary phone or not.

The query to generate this will be:


'HomeAddress' =
WHEN home.ContactValue IS NULL THEN 'No Home Address'
ELSE home.ContactValue
phone.ContactValue as PrimaryPhone,
'IsPhonePrimary' =
WHEN phone.IsPrimary = 1 THEN 'Yes'
FROM Customer c

SELECT TOP 1 ContactValue from Contact WHERE CustomerID = c.CustomerID
AND ContactType = 'HomeAddress'
) AS home

SELECT TOP 1 ContactValue from Contact WHERE CustomerID = c.CustomerID
AND ContactType = 'WorkAddress'
) AS work

SELECT TOP 1 ContactValue, IsPrimary from Contact WHERE CustomerID = c.CustomerID
AND ContactType = 'Phone'
) AS phone

All the tricks are in the OUTER APPLY blocks. OUTER APPLY selects the row that needs to appear as the value of the columns in the output after the customer table fields.

The primary address is selected by reverse ordering the rows selected from Contact table by IsPrimary field. Thus the rows having True comes first.

Website diagnostics page to diagnose your ASP.NET website

Whenever you change web.config file or deploy your website on a new environment, you have to try out many relevant features to confirm if the configuration changes or the environment is correct. Sometimes you have to run a smoke test on the website to confirm if the site is running fine. Moreover, if some external database, webservice or network connectivity is down, it takes time to nail down exactly where the problem is. Having a self-diagnostics page on your website like the one you see on your printer can help identify exactly where’s the problem. Here’s a way how you can quickly create a simple self-diagnostics page in a single page without spending too much effort. This diagnostics page tests for common configuration settings like connection string, ASP.NET Membership configurations, SMTP settings, <appSettings> file paths and URLs items and some application specific settings to confirm if the changes are all correct.

Diagnostics page

Read how to build such a diagnostics page:


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WatinN to automate browser and test sophisticated ASP.NET AJAX sites

WatiN is a great .NET library for writing automated browser based tests that uses real browser to go to websites, perform actions and check for browser output. Combined with a unit test library like xUnit, you can use WatiN to perform automated regression tests on your websites and save many hours of manual testing every release. Moreover, WatiN can be used to stress test Javascripts on the page as it can push the browser to perform operations repeatedly and measure how long it takes for Javascripts to run. Thus you can test your Javascripts for performance, rendering speed of your website and ensure the overall presentation is fast and smooth for users.

Read this article for details:


I have written some extension methods for WatiN to help facilitate AJAX related tests, especially with ASP.NET UpdatePanel, jQuery and dealing with element positions. I will show you how to use these libraries to test sophisticated AJAX websites, like the one I have built – Dropthings, which is a widget powered ASP.NET AJAX portal using ASP.NET UpdatePanel, jQuery to create a Web 2.0 presentation. You can simulate and test UpdatePanel updates, AJAX calls and UI update and even drag & drop of widgets!

You can see the implementation of automated tests in my open source project codebase.


Tests written using WatiN replaces the need for human driven tests and thus sheds significant time off your regular regression test suite. Moreover, it empowers developers with a way to quickly run regression tests whenever they need to, without waiting for human QA resource’s availability. When you hook it with xUnit like test frameworks and integrate with your continuous build, you can run UI tests automatically to test all the UI scenarios overnight after your nightly build and generate reports without requiring any manual intervention.

User story is worthless, Behavior is what we need

User Story is suitable for describing what user needs but not what user does and how system reacts to user actions within different contexts. It basically gives product team a way to quantify their output and let their boss know that they are doing their job. As a developer, you can’t write code from user stories because you have no clue on what what is the sequence of user actions and system reactions, what are the validations, what APIs to call and so on. As a QA, you can’t test the software from user stories because it does not capture the context, the sequence of events, all possible system reactions. User stories add little value to dev lifecycle. It only helps product team understand how much work they have to do eventually and it helps finance team get a view on how much money people are talking about. But to UI designers, solution designers, developers, they are nothing but blobs of highly imprecise statements that leave room for hundreds of questions to be answered. The absence of “Context” and “Cause and Effect”, and the imprecise way of saying “As a…I want… so that…” leaves room for so many misinterpretations that there’s no way development team can produce software from just user stories without spending significant time all over again analysing the user stories. Software, and the universe eventually, is all about Cause and Effect. The Cause and Effect is not described in a user story. 

Unlike user stories, the “Behavior” suggested by Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a much better approach because the format of a behavior (Givencontext, When event, Then outcome), when used correctly, lets you think in terms of sequence of events, where the context, event and outcome are captured for each and every action user or system does, and thus works as a definite spec for designing the UI and architecture. It follows the Cause and Effect model, thus can explain how the world (or your software) works. It can be so precise that sometimes a behavior work as guideline for a developer to write a single function! Not just the develoeprs, even the QA team can clearly capture what action they need to perform and how the system should respond. However, to get the real fruit out of behaviors, you need to to write them properly, following the right format. So, let me give you some examples on how you can write good behaviors for UI, business layer, services and even functions and thus eliminate repeated requirement analysis that usually happens throughout the user-story driven development lifecycle.

Read more about how user stories suck and if behavior is used throughout the development lifecycle, it can greatly reduce repeated requirement analysis effort and can make the communication between product, design, development and QA team much more effective:


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C# with keyword equivalent

There’s no with keyword in C#, like Visual Basic.
So you end up writing code like this:

this.StatusProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
this.StatusProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
this.StatusProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
this.StatusProgressBar.Maximum = 100;
this.StatusProgressBar.Value = percentage;

Here’s a work around to this:

this.StatusProgressBar.Use(p =>
  p.IsIndeterminate = false;
  p.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
  p.Minimum = 0;
  p.Maximum = 100;
  p.Value = percentage;

Saves you repeatedly typing the same class instance or control
name over and over again. It also makes code more readable since it
clearly says that you are working with a progress bar control
within the block. It you are setting properties of several controls
one after another, it’s easier to read such code this way
since you will have dedicated block for each control.

It’s a very simple one line function that does it:

public static void Use<T>(this T item, Action<T> work)

You could argue that you can just do this:

var p = this.StatusProgressBar;
p.IsIndeterminate = false;
p.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
p.Minimum = 0;
p.Maximum = 100;
p.Value = percentage;

But it’s
not elegant. You are introducing a variable “p” in the
local scope of the whole function. This goes against naming
conventions. Morever, you can’t limit the scope of
“p” within a certain place in the function.

Update: Previously I proposed a way to do it without generic
extention method which was not so clean. Andy T posted this cleaner
solution in comments.