Say you have written a message which has lots of users in the
recipient list. Now you don’t want to send the mail to all those
users who can see each others email address. You want to send the
message one by one. Here’s what you do:
After composing the message save it to make it go to Drafts
folder. -
Select the message
Press ALT+F11 to bring the Visual Basic Editor.
Now paste the following code:
Sub SendIndividually()
Dim objItem As MailItem
Set objItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Dim objTo As Recipient
Dim objClonedMail As MailItem
On Local Error Resume Next
For Each objTo In objItem.Recipients
Set objClonedMail = objItem.Copy()
objClonedMail.To = “”
objClonedMail.Recipients.Add objTo
End Sub
Hit F5 and wait for a while. You will see Outbox is full of
copy of the message with individual recipient in the “To”
Read my previous post on how to generate a message with all the
sender’s email address from all the message in a folder. You can
combine both approach to send everyone important notice.