Think you know how to write UPDATE statement? Think again.

When I was a kid, my mom used to read me UPDATE queries every
night before I went to sleep. I heared many stories about updating
objects to database where most of them were the same old:

UPDATE [ Table
] SET Field1 = Value1,
= Value2, . . . WHERE PRIMARYKEY = TheKey

So, I grew up with the same ideas on how to update objects in
tables as other kids do. All the UPDATE queries involved taking all
the fields and the update stored procedures used to have all the
properties of the objects. If you are using some Code Generators
(e.g. Code Smith) and generating data access layer codes and stored
procedures for objects, you will see almost all the code generators
and ORM tools generate UPDATE statments with all the fields in the
SET block. Let me show you with an example how evil this idea

Imagine a table like this:

dbo ] .
[ ChannelSubscribedByUser ] (
[ ID ]
[ int ]
IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) NOT
NULL , [
UserId ] [
int ] NOT
NULL , [
ChannelId ] [
int ] NOT
NULL , [
ReadRSSItemIDs ] [
image ] NOT
UserId ] ASC
, [ ChannelId ] ASC

This is a table from Pageflakes database. In this table,
we store all the RSS feeds user has read from a particular RSS
channel. UserId is a foreign key to User table and ChannelID is a
foreign key to Channel table. Pretty straight forward. We had a
harmless update stored procedure generated using Code Smith using
the famous .NET Tiers template.

] . [
] @ID int , @ChannelId int , @ReadRSSItemIDs image , @UserId int AS UPDATE dbo. [
] SET [
ChannelId ] =
@ChannelId , [
ReadRSSItemIDs ] =
@ReadRSSItemIDs , [
UserId ] =
@UserId WHERE [
ID ] =
] , [
UserId ] ,
[ ChannelId ] ,
[ ReadRSSItemIDs ] FROM
dbo. [ ChannelSubscribedByUser ] WHERE
[ ID ]
= @ID

Look at the query plan and see how horrible it really is:

There are 2 Clustered Index Seeks, one Table Spool (very
expensive), 2 Nested Loops, 1 Assert, 1 Clustered Index Seek. If
you look at the IO Statistics, you can see how truly evil this
query is:

Table ‘RSSChannel’. Scan count 0, logical reads 3, physical
reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical
reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table ‘PageFlakesUser’. Scan count 0, logical reads 3, physical
reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical
reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table ‘ChannelSubscribedByUser’. Scan count 1, logical reads 15,
physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 3, lob
physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table ‘Worktable’. Scan count 1, logical reads 5, physical reads 0,
read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob
read-ahead reads 0.

It is making SQL Server go to the tables which are refered as
foreign key during a single row update!

Generally when we update a row in a table which represents an
object, we rarely change the value of the fields which are foreign
keys to other tables and has index on them. Most of the time, the
updates are on the fields which contain properties, not relations.
For example, 99% of the cases, you will update properties of an
Employee object like FirstName, LastName,
Age etc. 1% case you will modify the CompanyID
(because s/he was fired) which is a foreign key to Company
Table. But if you go to your database and see the stored procedure
which updates the Employee object, you will see this:

UPDATE Employee SET FirstName = @FirstName ,
= @LastName ,
= @CompanyID WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID

Don’t be ashamed. I know we all have queries like this every

If you remove those unwanted fields which generally have Foreign
Key and Index on them, you can gain significant performance
improvement. When I just change the UPDATE statement to this:

UPDATE dbo. [
] SET [
ReadRSSItemIDs ] =
[ ID ]
= @ID

See the query plan:

There’s just one Clustered Index Update. No Table Spool, no
Clustered Index seeks, no nested loops, no asserts. The IO
statistics shows how significant the improvement really is:

Table ‘ChannelSubscribedByUser’. Scan count 1, logical reads 6,
physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 3, lob
physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

There’s just one update and nothing else. Also the number of
Logical Reads is 6 compared to 15.

So, you thought you knew how to write UPDATE statements? Think

Enrich your blog & website with cool widgets!

You can now put any Pageflakes
Flake (aka Widgets) on your blog or websites! Flakes are fully
functional feature rich customizable widgets which you can now
take-away with you outside Pageflakes and
it anywhere you like. There are so many ways you can use
the flakes to enrich your blog and websites. I will try to explain
some of the cool ways to make really good use of some cool

Let’s play

There are many cool games like Sudoku which you can put on your
page and waste endless time on it. Start wasting your time here
right now:

Also check out this cool Spider:

Let’s get into business

Enough fun. Let’s get into some work. You can maintain a
To-Do-List on Pageflakes and publish it on your website or blog and
let others know what you are up to. Check out my To-do-list for
writing articles:

Event Calendar

You can maintain a family event calendar or group events on a
Calendar flake and then put it up on your website for others to see
and participate.

Share files with others

Your blog does not let you share files? No worries, put a flake on your blog and allow others to download files from
it. It’s so easy to share files with this cool flake. You can have
1GB free storage right on your blog or website.

Your office on the web

You can put your to-do-list, calendar and mail flake anywhere
you like in order to have a “mobile office” for you. But the “Web
Office” is incomplete without a powerful authoring tool. Here you
go, the great “Notepad” flake. Don’t underestimate this flake
judging by its size. I have a whole Codeproject article inside it.
And that’s not all it can hold. Click on the “open” button and see
what else I have there. You can only read the files, but I see a
full fledged WYSIWYG Html Editor here.

Share Photos

You can show your favorite photos from Flickr by putting a
Flickr flake on your website. See my favorite photos:

See how to do all these from
this blog post

You might say, “Big Deal, Google did it long time back.” You’re
wrong. Google Widgets are throw away widgets. They cannot contain
your data and show it on another website. You cannot have a
to-do-list populated with your tasks and put it on another website.
But Pageflakes can. The flakes you put on another website or on
your blog are the very flake that is running on your Pageflakes
page. If you modify the flake from Pageflakes, others can see the
latest data from your blog. It also works the opposite way. You can
work on the flake right from your blog or website. You need not go
to Pageflakes in order to access the flake. If you don’t like to
work on Pageflakes all the time, then just put the flake that you
need on your website and work from there.

Eat cornflakes, use Pageflakes

This is what I do every morning when I wake up. I take
cornflakes and milk in a bowl and start my laptop and visit my
“Reading” page. I eat cornflakes and read my Pageflakes page:

This gives me daily nutrition for both my body and mind. Start
Page is a really good productivity tool for infotainment. It saves
me from going to all these sites in order to see what’s new. I read
news feeds, stories from Digg, new bookmarks from
– all from the same page. It saves so much of my time every
single day and keeps me informed of things which is essential to
maintain my core competency.

I have made my “Reading” page public, so you can also see what I
am reading everyday by going to this URL:

If you have some cool pages that you have setup on Pageflakes,
please make them public and let me know the URL. We can share our
interests with each other and find out cool news things.

Make a surveillance application which captures desktop and emails you as attachment

Some time back I needed to capture a certain computers desktop
in order to find out what that user is doing every day. So, I made
a .NET 2.0 Winforms Application which stays on system tray
(optional) and capture the desktop in given time interval (say
every 60 secs) and emailed the captured images to me as
message attachment (say every 30 mins). It ensures the captures are
small enough and embedded inside HTML email so that I don’t need to
open hundreds of attachments and see the screenshots. I could just
read through the email and see the captures made. You will find
this application quite handy in many use cases including:

  • Keep an eye on developers who spend too much time on web and
    chatting. See what they really do.
  • Keep an eye on your better half incase s/he is cheating on
  • Keep an eye on your teenagers and see how they use
    computer. Find the amount of time they browser porn on

All you do is sit back and relax in your office and the app
informs you every 30 mins via email what your subject is doing on
the computer. You don’t need to worry about missing some captures
when you are away from your computer. It will be safely kept in
your inbox and you can go through all the captures on your

Configure the following settings from the Visual Studio Settings
Designer (if you have Visual Studio):

Configure the path where the screenshots will be stored. Then
configure the duration, default is every 1 minute, one screenshot
is taken. “To” contains the email address of yours. Use free email
services because very soon you will find it’s filled up. Username
and Password is for the SMTP authentication. “SMTP” contains the
SMTP Server name or IP. “MailSendDelay” is the delay between
sending emails.

All you need to do is build the app and install/run it once on
the computer which you want to keep an eye on. It will hide itself
on the system tray as a harmless icon and register itself on the
startup and start capturing immediately. After a week or two,
cleanup the “C:temp” folder where the screenshots are kept.

You can also configure the properties at run time after running
it once on a computer. This is for those who does not have Visual
Studio in order to configure the settings before building

In order to launch the configuration dialog box while the
application is running, find the icon on the system tray and click
mouse buttons exactly in this order:

  • Press left and right mouse button on the icon one after
  • Release only the right mouse button while holding the left
    mouse button down

This will bring up the configuration dialog:

Here you can make changes while it is running.

Let’s learn some interesting stuffs from this application:

1. Prevent closing the application when close button is

private void MainForm_FormClosing( object sender,
FormClosingEventArgs e) { Settings.Default.Save();

this .Hide(); e.Cancel = true
; }

2. Capturing the screenshot

using (Bitmap bmpScreenshot = new
Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
// Create a graphics object from the bitmap
using (Graphics gfxScreenshot = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot)) {
try { Log( Capture
); //
Take the screenshot from the upper
left corner to the right bottom corner
0 ,
0 , Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size,

First a bitmap object for the whole screen size is created and
then the graphics from the screen is copied to the Bitmap

3. Convert the Bitmap to low resolution JPEG

// Get the ImageCodecInfo for the desired target
= GetEncoderInfo( image/jpeg );
// Set the quality to very low System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
EncoderParameter ratio
new EncoderParameter(qualityEncoder,
10L ); //
Add the quality parameter to the
new EncoderParameters( 1 );
] = ratio;

Here we configure the JPEG codec with very low resolution (10%).
GetEncoderInfo is a function which runs through all available
codecs and finds the one we need.

private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo(String mimeType)
int j; ImageCodecInfo[] encoders; encoders
= ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
for (j =
0 ; j < encoders.Length; ++ j) {
if (encoders[j].MimeType == mimeType) return encoders[j]; } return null ;

4. Saving bitmap using codec

using (FileStream fs = new
FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
{ bmpScreenshot.Save(fs, codec, codecParams); fs.Close();

5. Handling Win32Exception

I noticed sometimes during screen capture, an unknown
Win32Exception throws up. There’s no way to work around this
problem until I restart the application. Here’s how I do it:

catch (Exception x) { Log(x.ToString());
if (x is
Win32Exception) { Log(
Restarting… );
Application.Restart(); } }

6. Email the pictures as embedded image in HTML format

First connect to the mail server using

SmtpClient client
= new SmtpClient(Settings.Default.Smtp);
new NetworkCredential(Settings.Default.UserName,
Settings.Default.Password); MailMessage msg
= new
Settings.Default.To); msg.Subject
= DateTime.Now.ToString(); msg.IsBodyHtml
= true ;

We are going to construct an Html mail where the images will be
inline. The tricky part is to build the body of the message. The
body requires that we create tag for each image inside
the body in this format:

< img src

The ID needs to be the ContentID of the LinkedResource instance
which is created for each image. Here’s the code:

List < LinkedResource > resources = new
List < LinkedResource > (); for
( int i
= Settings.Default.LastSentFileNo; i
< Settings.Default.LastFileNo; i ++ ) {
string filePath = FilePath(i); // then we
create the Html part
to embed images, we need to use the
prefix ‘cid’ in the img src value
// the cid
value will map to the Content-Id of a Linked resource.

// thus will map to
a LinkedResource with a ContentId of ‘companylogo’

+ i.ToString() +
/> );
// create the LinkedResource (embedded image)
LinkedResource logo
= new LinkedResource(filePath); logo.ContentId
= Capture +
i.ToString(); // add the
LinkedResource to the appropriate view
resources.Add(logo); }

I keep a counter for the last capture file name and the last
emailed file number. Then for each capture file which has not been
emailed yet, I create a LinkedResource for the image and then
add it in the resources list. I also build the body of the message
which contains the tag with the LinkedResource

Then we create something called AlternateView for the message
body which says the message has a HTML view:

AlternateView htmlView
= AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body.ToString(),
null ,
text/html );
foreach (LinkedResource resource in resources)

This view contains the HTML body and the resource

After this, the email is sent asynchronously so that the screen
capture process does not get stuck. It generally takes a while to
send the image with all the screenshots embedded. So, you can’t do
this synchronously.

try { client.Timeout = 10
* 60 *
1000 ; client.SendAsync(msg, “” );
new SendCompletedEventHandler(client_SendCompleted);
mailSendTimer.Stop(); Log(
); } catch (Exception x) { Log(x.ToString()); }

That’s all folks!

the source here

Build Google IG like AJAX Start Page in 7 days using ASP.NET AJAX and .NET 3.0

I will show you how I built a start page similar to Google IG in
7 nights using ASP.Net Ajax, .NET 3.0, Linq, DLinq and XLinq. I
have logged my day to day development experience in this article
and documented all the technical challenges, interesting
discoveries and important design & architectural decisions. You
will find the implementation quite close to actual Google IG. It has drag & drop
enabled widgets, complete personalization of the pages, multi page
feature and so on. It’s not just a prototype or a sample project.
It’s a real living and breathing open source start page running at
which you can use everyday. You are welcome to participate in the
development and make widgets for the project.

You can find the article on CodeProject:

Build Google IG like AJAX Start Page in 7 days using

If you like it, please vote for me.

What to do when you kill your database with your own hand

Couple of months ago, we had an interesting day. It was a bright
summer morning. We were all in the office doing our regular work.
Developers writing codes, QA testing the site. We were
all happy and smiling as there was no major bug. Some were
drinking coffee and having nice chit chat. Our honorable Sys Admin
came to office as usual late after noon. We all welcomed him
remembering his day and night inhuman effort to keep our systems up
and running fighting against germs and bacteria. As usual he
started his day logging into servers one by one checking their
health. He connected to our maintenance server via Remote Desktop.
Did some routine check up and found that there was no space on hard
drive. So, he decided to delete the database on the maintenance
server as it was quite old. He started SQL Server Management
Studio, entered sa and password, selected the database, pressed
delete. As his habit, on the confirmation dialog he pressed enter
without looking into it. Things went cool, database got deleted.
But strangely the maintenance server did not free up any hard drive

In the meantime, there were sharp screams from other rooms. We
all ran to see whether somebody fell down or had an electric shock
or not. Seemed like every one was intact. But with horror, we
looked into all the screens on our desktops and saw this:

This is our error handler page where users are redirected when
there’s any unknown catastrophic failure. This page appears when
something goes wrong, really wrong. We do this by having the
block in web.config:

< customErrors mode =”RemoteOnly” defaultRedirect =”GenericErrorPage.html” > < error statusCode =”403″ redirect =”403.html” /> < error statusCode =”404″ redirect =”404.html” /> customErrors >

If somebody fell down or had electric shock, we would not mind
at all but this is generally beginning of a nightmare for
us. Then we saw our Sys Admin was shaking and his face turned
white out of blood. He somehow stood up trembling with fear and
came to me and said, “My blood pressure is going sky high. I think
I have deleted production database”.

I told him, “no worries, I have done this before”, of course on
the outside. Let’s not say what I felt inside. So, we first looked
into Recycle Bin. Nope, no trace. It was a 30 GB file. There’s
no way Windows is going to store it on Recycle Bin. Then we
searched for several undelete utilities both commercial ones and
free ones. All failed on regular attempt. Some showed an advanced
recovery can restore the file but it will take 2 hours of scanning.
This will be disastrous if we go down for 2 hours. But we had no
choice. Last backup we took was the previous day. If we restore it,
we are going to lose thousands of users and their page setup. We
will also lose hundreds of signups. So, we went for the 2 hours
scan. After 2 hours, the scan reported it found the MDF file. But
when we said recover it, it recovered a 0 byte file. We tried
another product, same result. In the meantime 4 hours past by. So,
we had to take a decision. We has no other choice but to restore
the previous day’s backup. So, we did, and the site went live.

Now it was time to find out all those poor souls who lost their
data. We maintain a log file where we record all important
activities like adding new page, registering, first visit etc. It
was a tab delimited file like this:

01.01.2007 08:39:35 e5ca904c-0348-42cf-9d1b-6fb932ec930d Create
Anonymous user if necessary 0,25
01.01.2007 08:39:36 e5ca904c-0348-42cf-9d1b-6fb932ec930d Get Page:
__RSSFEED__ 0,109375
01.01.2007 08:39:36 e5ca904c-0348-42cf-9d1b-6fb932ec930d Load
Modules in page #1413882 0,1875
01.01.2007 08:39:36 e5ca904c-0348-42cf-9d1b-6fb932ec930d
GetPageflake 0,546875

It logs date and time of each action and also the duration of
the process. This log helps us identify slow running operations and
we can see almost in real time what’s going on with the site.

After importing this log into database, we ran a query to find
out user name of all users who signed up since database delete.
Here, we discovered something interesting. We were expecting the
date and time will be in server’s own time. But Enterprise Library
logs are always in GMT. So, we had to figure out what is the time
difference from regional settings of the servers. Then we
subsctracted it to match GMT. Then we calculated when the database
was deleted and started finding the users after that. We got a list
of email addresses whose signup was lost, almost around 400. We
were lucky it happened on a weekend, so there was not much signup
that day. Then we sent that email list to our marketing team and
they sent apology letters to those users.

So, what we did wrong which you should make sure you never

  • Sys Admin became too comfortable with the servers. There was
    lack of seriousness while working on remote desktop. It became
    routine monotonous absent minded work to him. This is a real
    problem with sys admins. On first month, you will see him very
    serious about his role. Everytime he logs into remote desktop on
    production or maintenance servers, there’s a considerable amount of
    curves on his forehead. But day by day, it reduces and he starts
    working on production server as if he is working on his own
    laptop. At some point, someone needs to make him realize what is
    the gravity of his actions. He should wash his hands before sitting
    in front of remote desktop (or perform wudhu if he is muslim) and
    then say his prayer: “O Lord! I am going to work on remote desktop.
    Grant me tranquility and absolute concentration and protect me from
    the devil who whispers in my soul foul words and lures me to cause
    great harm to production servers”
  • All databases had the same “sa” password. If we had different
    password, at least while typing the password, sys admin could
    realize where he is connecting to. Although he did connect to
    remote desktop on maintenance server, but from SQL Server
    Management Studio, he connected to primary database server as he
    did last time. SQL Server Management Studio remembered the last
    machine name and user name. So, all he did was enter password and
    hit enter and delete the database. Now we have put the server name
    inside the password. So, while typing the password, we know
    conciously which server we are going to connect.
  • Don’t ignore confirmation dialogs on remote desktops as you do
    on your local machine. Nowadays, we consider ourselves super expert
    on everything and never read the confirmation dialog. I myself
    don’t remember when was the last time I read any confirmation
    dialog seriously. Definitely this attitude must change while
    working on servers. When Sys Admin tried to delete the database,
    there was a confirmation that there are active connections on the
    database. SQL Server tried its best to inform him that this is a
    database being used and don’t delete it, please. But as he does
    hundred times per day on his laptop, clicked OK without reading the
    confirmation dialog.
  • Don’t put same administrator password on all servers. This
    makes life easier while copying files from one server to another,
    but don’t do it. You will accidentally delete file on another
    server just like we do.
  • DO NOT use Administrator user account to do your day to day
    work. We started using a Power User account for our day to day
    operation which has limited access on couple of folders only. Using
    Administrator account on remote desktop means you are opening doors
    to all possible accidents to happen. If you use a restricted
    account, there’s no possibility of such accidents.
  • Always have someone beside you when you work on production
    server and do something important like cleaning up free space or
    running scripts, restoring database etc. Make sure the other
    person is not sleeping on his chair beside you.

Data Access usind DLinq

DLinq is so much fun. It’s so amazingly simple to write data
access layer that generates really optimized SQL. If you have not
used DLinq before, brace for impact!

When you use DLinq, you just design the database and then use
SqlMetal.exe (comes with Linq May CTP) in order to
generate a Data Access class which contains all the data
access codes and entity classes. Think about the dark age when you
had to hand code all entity classes following the database design
and hand code data access classes. Whenever your database design
changed, you had to modify the entity classes and modify the
insert, update, delete, get methods in data access layer. Of course
you could use third party ORM tools or use some kind of code
generators which generates entity classes from database schema and
generates data access layer codes. But do no more, DLinq does it
all for you!

The best thing about DLinq is it can generate something called
Projection which contains only the necessary fields and not the
whole object. There’s no ORM tool or Object Oriented Database
library which can do this now because it really needs a custom
compiler in order to support this. The benefit of projection is
pure performance. You do not SELECT fields which you don’t need,
nor do you contruct a jumbo object which has all the fields. DLinq
only selects the required fields and creates objects which contains
only the selected fields.

Let’s see how easy it is to create a new object in database
called “Page”:

var db = new
DashboardData(ConnectionString); var
= new Page();
UserId; newPage.Title
= Title; newPage.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; newPage.LastUpdate
= DateTime.Now; db.Pages.Add(newPage);
db.SubmitChanges(); NewPageId
= newPage.ID;

Here, DashboardData is the class which SqlMetal.exe

Say, you want to change a Page’s name:

var page = db.Pages.Single( p => p.ID ==
PageId ); page.Title
= PageName; db.SubmitChanges();

Here only one row is selected.

You can also select a single value:

var UserGuid = (from
in db.AspnetUsers where u.LoweredUserName == UserName && u.ApplicationId == DatabaseHelper.ApplicationGuid select

And here’s the Projection I was talking about:

var users = from
in db.AspnetUsers select { UserId = u.UserId,
= u.LoweredUserName }; foreach( var
in users ) { Debug.WriteLine( user.UserName );

If you want to do some paging like select 20 rows from 100th

var users = (from
in db.AspnetUsers select { UserId = u.UserId,
= u.LoweredUserName }).Skip(100).Take(20);
foreach( var user in users ) {
Debug.WriteLine( user.UserName ); }

If you are looking for transaction, see how simple it is:

using( TransactionScope ts = new
TransactionScope() ) {
<Page> pages =
db.Pages.Where( p => p.UserId == oldGuid
foreach( Page
in pages ) page.UserId = newGuid; // Change
setting ownership
= db.UserSettings.Single( u => u.UserId == oldGuid );
db.UserSettings.Remove(setting); setting.UserId
= newGuid;
db.UserSettings.Add(setting); db.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete();

Unbelievable? Believe it.

You may have some mixed feelings about DLinq performance.
Believe me, it generates exactly the right SQL that I wanted it to
do. Use SqlProfiler and see the queries it sends to the database.
You might also think all these “var” stuffs sounds like late
binding in old COM era. It will not be as fast as strongly typed
code or your own hand written super optimal code which does exactly
what you want. You will be surprised to know that all these
DLinq code actually gets transformed into pure and simple .NET 2.0
IL by the Linq compiler. There’s no magic stuff or no additional
libraries in order to run these codes in your existing .NET 2.0
project. Unlike many ORM tools, DLinq also does not heavily depend
on Reflection.

Executing one workflow from another synchronously

The InvokeWorkflow activity which comes with
Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.0) executes a workflow
asynchronously. So, if you are calling a workflow from ASP.NET
which in turn calls another workflow, the second workflow is going
to be terminated prematurely instead of executing completely. The
reason is, ManualWorkflowSchedulerService will execute
the first workflow synchronously and then finish the workflow
execution and close down. If you used InvokeWorkflow
activity in order to run another workflow from the first workflow,
it will start on another thread and it will not get enough time to
execute completely before the parent workflow ends.

Here you see only one activity in the second workflow gets the
chance to execute. The remaining two activities do not get called
at all.

Luckily I found an implementation of synchronous workflow
execution at:,guid,7be9fb53-0ddf-4633-b358-01c3e9999088.aspx

It’s an activity which takes the workflow as input and executes
it synchronously. The implementation is very interesting to see.
Please see the original blog post for details.

Database connection string wrong in MSDN Subscription website

This is one of those moments in history which you must be really
lucky to witness. Can you believe MSDN actually had a connection
string problem in their website which were exposed wide open to the
public? Also they deployed the site in debug mode in order to see
the error. Moreover, they actually turned on showing remote errors.
Must have been really hard to find what was wrong with the

So, what we learn from here?

  • Don’t deploy production site in debug mode
  • Do not set “off” to . Anyone can see stack
    trace of your web application. Hackers can collect valuable
    information from these stack traces
  • Put enough logging in your code so that you can analyze server
    side log in order to find out what’s wrong with your web app. Don’t
    just turn off custom errors in order to see why the site is not
  • Put a good custom error page which apologizes to users and
    gives them enough links to either contact support or go to some
    other pages.
  • Produce error alerts via email, SMS or IM Client when your site
    experiences such problems. This is the best way to learn about
    fatal errors on site and take action quickly.