Data Access usind DLinq

DLinq is so much fun. It’s so amazingly simple to write data
access layer that generates really optimized SQL. If you have not
used DLinq before, brace for impact!

When you use DLinq, you just design the database and then use
SqlMetal.exe (comes with Linq May CTP) in order to
generate a Data Access class which contains all the data
access codes and entity classes. Think about the dark age when you
had to hand code all entity classes following the database design
and hand code data access classes. Whenever your database design
changed, you had to modify the entity classes and modify the
insert, update, delete, get methods in data access layer. Of course
you could use third party ORM tools or use some kind of code
generators which generates entity classes from database schema and
generates data access layer codes. But do no more, DLinq does it
all for you!

The best thing about DLinq is it can generate something called
Projection which contains only the necessary fields and not the
whole object. There’s no ORM tool or Object Oriented Database
library which can do this now because it really needs a custom
compiler in order to support this. The benefit of projection is
pure performance. You do not SELECT fields which you don’t need,
nor do you contruct a jumbo object which has all the fields. DLinq
only selects the required fields and creates objects which contains
only the selected fields.

Let’s see how easy it is to create a new object in database
called “Page”:

var db = new
DashboardData(ConnectionString); var
= new Page();
UserId; newPage.Title
= Title; newPage.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; newPage.LastUpdate
= DateTime.Now; db.Pages.Add(newPage);
db.SubmitChanges(); NewPageId
= newPage.ID;

Here, DashboardData is the class which SqlMetal.exe

Say, you want to change a Page’s name:

var page = db.Pages.Single( p => p.ID ==
PageId ); page.Title
= PageName; db.SubmitChanges();

Here only one row is selected.

You can also select a single value:

var UserGuid = (from
in db.AspnetUsers where u.LoweredUserName == UserName && u.ApplicationId == DatabaseHelper.ApplicationGuid select

And here’s the Projection I was talking about:

var users = from
in db.AspnetUsers select { UserId = u.UserId,
= u.LoweredUserName }; foreach( var
in users ) { Debug.WriteLine( user.UserName );

If you want to do some paging like select 20 rows from 100th

var users = (from
in db.AspnetUsers select { UserId = u.UserId,
= u.LoweredUserName }).Skip(100).Take(20);
foreach( var user in users ) {
Debug.WriteLine( user.UserName ); }

If you are looking for transaction, see how simple it is:

using( TransactionScope ts = new
TransactionScope() ) {
<Page> pages =
db.Pages.Where( p => p.UserId == oldGuid
foreach( Page
in pages ) page.UserId = newGuid; // Change
setting ownership
= db.UserSettings.Single( u => u.UserId == oldGuid );
db.UserSettings.Remove(setting); setting.UserId
= newGuid;
db.UserSettings.Add(setting); db.SubmitChanges(); ts.Complete();

Unbelievable? Believe it.

You may have some mixed feelings about DLinq performance.
Believe me, it generates exactly the right SQL that I wanted it to
do. Use SqlProfiler and see the queries it sends to the database.
You might also think all these “var” stuffs sounds like late
binding in old COM era. It will not be as fast as strongly typed
code or your own hand written super optimal code which does exactly
what you want. You will be surprised to know that all these
DLinq code actually gets transformed into pure and simple .NET 2.0
IL by the Linq compiler. There’s no magic stuff or no additional
libraries in order to run these codes in your existing .NET 2.0
project. Unlike many ORM tools, DLinq also does not heavily depend
on Reflection.

One thought on “Data Access usind DLinq”

  1. LLBLGen has had projections for some time. Overall it is a more mature tool than Linq that supports a wide set of databases. You should try the eval it will blow you away.


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