Build Google IG like AJAX Start Page in 7 days using ASP.NET AJAX and .NET 3.0

I will show you how I built a start page similar to Google IG in
7 nights using ASP.Net Ajax, .NET 3.0, Linq, DLinq and XLinq. I
have logged my day to day development experience in this article
and documented all the technical challenges, interesting
discoveries and important design & architectural decisions. You
will find the implementation quite close to actual Google IG. It has drag & drop
enabled widgets, complete personalization of the pages, multi page
feature and so on. It’s not just a prototype or a sample project.
It’s a real living and breathing open source start page running at
which you can use everyday. You are welcome to participate in the
development and make widgets for the project.

You can find the article on CodeProject:

Build Google IG like AJAX Start Page in 7 days using

If you like it, please vote for me.

11 thoughts on “Build Google IG like AJAX Start Page in 7 days using ASP.NET AJAX and .NET 3.0”

  1. Loads of thanks to share that GREAT work.

    You definitely deserve more than a vote, where is the Paypal button ?

  2. Hi Omar,

    The work is a stamp of authority.Well done I will do my best works on pageflakes community as well.

    Best Regards


  3. This is really good! Although I am staying away from intergrated AJAX in ASP.NET (and veering towards things like jQuery), I think this is a good example.

  4. Its simply an excellent Article 🙂 thanks and congrats for your excellent work 🙂

  5. Omar,

    Amazing and inspiring! Vote was cast and Paypal button nowhere to be found…

  6. Your Bubblez is an advanced Ajax-based windows similar (but nicer) to the continuous growing number of Ajax start pages, like Google Personalized, etc. It is organized into bubble spaces (Tabs) with associated bubbles that could be fed with content from any URL. check

  7. Hi Omar,

    This is impressive work, thank you so much for sharing this knowledge with the community.

    Had you considered using webparts for your project and if yes, what were the key reasons why you dismissed them?

    Thank you

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