Real-time Oracle Database Monitoring Dashboard in ASP.NET

Oracle Performance Dashboard (OPD) is a small ASP.NET website that shows you performance & problems of one or more Oracle instances in near real-time. It uses the Dynamic Performance Views (DPV) and runs some popular DBA scripts in order to get meaningful, easy to understand information out of the server. You can use it to quickly spot blocking queries, who is blocking who, expensive query that are consuming high CPU or disk, see if there’s unusual locks, very high disk activity and so on.

Dashboard - Full


You can see a live demo of this from here:

Get the code

The binaries are here, which you can just extract into an IIS folder, put the connection strings in the web.config file, and you are ready to roll. No need to install any Oracle client software on the server.
GitHub Project Binaries

You can get the source code from the GitHub project site:

Feature walkthrough

OPD comes with the following features in V1:

  • Summary of all your instances in one screen, showing important indicators on each instance. Quick way to check if all your databases are doing fine or not.
  • Instance Dashboard showing details of an instance:
    • CPU usage on the OS.
    • CPU consumed by each session
    • Important System Statistics like Buffer Gets, Parse to execute ratio which would indicate some common problems on the server.
    • Sessions and what the sessions are doing, how much resource they are consuming, whether they are hogging the disk or not.
    • Waits, Blocks, Locks, deadlocks that make database suffer.
    • Historical analysis on the databse showing you some very useful stuff:
      • Most expensive queries in terms of CPU and Buffer Get, which are immediate convern for your devs to sort out.
      • IO usage on data files. You can see if some data file is unusually loaded and getting hammered by physical IO.
      • Tablespace usage. Alerts you if some tablespace is over 85% full.
      • Stale stats on tables. You should always keep this clean.
      • Killer Indexes that will actually blow up your system and confuse Oracle query optimizer. You need to get rid of those indexes and rewrite queries that you thought will hit those indexes for better performance. They won’t. They will kill your database.