Client side Page Fragment Output cache, reduce page download time significantly

When you have a page full of lots of HTML, it will be best if
the whole page can be cached on the browser. You can do this using
HTTP Response caching header either by injecting them manually or
by using @OutputCache tag directive on ASPX pages.

@ OutputCache


But if part of the page is dynamic and part of the page is
static (like header, left side menu, foother, right side menu,
bottom part) etc where static parts of the page occupy a
significant amount of html, then if you could cache those parts on
the browser, you could save a lot of bytes that gets downloaded
every time the page downloads. On most of the websites, you will
find the header, navigation menu, footer, bottom part,
advertisements are mostly static and thus easily cacheable. If the
whole page size is say 50KB, at least 20KB is static and 30KB might
be dynamic. If you can use client side caching of page fragments
(not ASP.NET’s server side page output cache), you can save
40% download time easily.

ASP.NET offers you page fragment caching using @Outputcache
which is good, but that caching is on server side. It cache the
output of user controls and serves them from server side cache. You
cannot eliminate the download of those costly bytes. It just saves
some CPU process. Nothing much for users in it.

The only way to cache part of page is by allowing browser to
download those parts separately and making those parts cacheable
just like images/CSS/javascripts get cached. So, we need to
download page fragments separately and make them cached on the
browser’s cache. IFRAME is an easy way to do this but IFRAME
makes the page heavy and thus not follow CSS of the page. There are
many reasons why IFRAME can’t work. So, we have a better way,
we will use Javascript to render content of the page and
javascript will get cached on the browser’s cache

So, here’s the idea:

  • We will split the whole page into multiple parts
  • We will generate page content using Javascript. Each cacheable
    part comes from javascript and javascript renders the HTML of
  • The parts which are cachable gets cached by the browser and
    thus never downloaded again (until you want them to be). But those
    parts which are non-cachable and highly dynamic, does not get
    cached by browser.

So, let’s think of a page setup like this:



Left navigation Menu

Dynamic part of the page


Here only one part is dynamic and the rest is fully cacheable.
So, the Default.aspx which renders this whole page looks like

DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTDXHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">
    <title>MyBig Fat Pagetitle>

<td>Somelogo heretd>
This is the dynamic part which gets changed on every load. Checkout the time when
it was generated: <%=DateTime.Now %>div>td>


The page looks like this:

You see, the cached parts are 30 mins older. Browser has not
downloaded those parts at all and thus saved a significant amount
of data transfer. The only part that was downloaded was the dynamic

When you load the page first time, all 4 files are downloaded.
But the last 3 files get cached and never downloaded until
browser’s cache expires. So, on second visit, only one file
downloaded and thus saves a significant amount of data

Let’s look at one of the files Header.aspx which gets
cached. Nothing fancy here, it’s a regular ASPX page:

The interesting thing here is the “ContentType”
which I have set to “text/html/javascript”. This is not
something built-in, I have introduced this type.

When you put an ASPX inside a Script tag, it surely does not
work because < script
expects javascript output, not html output. If html output is
provided, browsers simply ignores it. So, we need to convert the
output of Header.aspx into Javascript which when downloaded and
executed by the browser, emits the original html that was generated
when ASP.NET executed the page.

We use HTTP Module to intercept all .aspx calls and when the
page is about to be written to the output, we check if the content
type is “text/html/javascript”. If it is, this is our
cue to convert the page output to javascript representation.

If you want to know details about HTTP Module and how to use
Response Filter to modify page output, please read this wonderful

It really explains all the things. I would recommend you read
this article first and then continue with the rest.

We have made a response filter named Html2JSPageFilter.js
(available in the code download), which overrides the Write method
of Stream and converts the entire HTML of the page to javascript

    publicoverridevoidWrite(byte[]buffer, intoffset, intcount)
        stringstrBuffer = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, offset, count);

        //Wait for the closing  tag
        Regexeof = newRegex("",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        if(!eof.IsMatch (strBuffer))
            responseHtml.Append (strBuffer);
            responseHtml.Append (strBuffer);
            string finalHtml = responseHtml.ToString ();

            //extract only the content inside the form tag tag ASP.NET generatesin all .aspx
            intformTagStart = finalHtml.IndexOf(");
            intformTagStartEnd = finalHtml.IndexOf('>',formTagStart);
            intformTagEnd = finalHtml.LastIndexOf("");

            stringpageContentInsideFormTag = finalHtml.Substring(formTagStartEnd + 1,formTagEnd - formTagStartEnd - 1);

First we get the entire page output, then we get only what is
inside the

tag that ASP.NET generates for all .aspx

Next step is to remove the viewstate hidden field because this
will conflict with the view state on the default.aspx.

            //Remove the __VIEWSTATE tag because page fragments don't needviewstate
            //Note this will make all ASP.NET controls in the page fragments gomad which 
            //needs viewstate to do their work.
            Regexre = newRegex("()",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            pageContentInsideFormTag =re.Replace(pageContentInsideFormTag, string.Empty);

Now we convert the entire html output to javascript string

            ///Convert the HTML to javascript string representation
            stringjavascript2Html = 
                .Replace("   ","")
                .Replace(" ","")
                .Replace("  ","")

Final touch is to put that javascript string inside a
“document.write(‘…’);” call. When you
call document.write to emit html, it gets part of the page

            //Generate the document.write('...') which adds the content in thedocument
            stringpageOutput = "document.write('"+ javascript2Html + "');";

This is basically the trick. Use a Response filter to get the
.aspx output, and then convert it to Javascript representation.

For convenience, I have used a HttpModule to hook into ASP.NET
pipeline and wait for .aspx files which try to emit content type of
“text/html/javascript”. Again this content type is
nothing special, you could use “text/Omar Al

        context.ReleaseRequestState += newEventHandler(InstallResponseFilter);

    privatevoidInstallResponseFilter(objectsender, EventArgse) 
     HttpResponseresponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

     if(response.ContentType == "text/html/javascript")
         response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
         response.Filter = newHtml2JSPageFilter(response.Filter);

And finally in web.config, we have to register the HttpModule so
that it gets called:


The entire source code is available in this URL:

Download Source
code of: Client side Page Fragment Output cache, reduce page
download time significantly

Enjoy. Use this approach in your aspx and html files and save
significant amount of download time on users end. Although it
slightly increases first time visit download time (200+ms for each
script tag), but it makes second time visit a breeze. See the
performance difference yourself. First visit Then close your
browser, open it again and enter See how fast it
loads. If you use a HTTP debugger to monitor how much data is
transferred, you will see it’s only 200 bytes!

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